Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Urgent Needs! Volunteers Please!

Volunteering is a great experience for all. We are grateful you are considering becoming a volunteer with Flow Zone. We have diverse projects going on within Flow Zone and diverse skills, from motivated people like you, are needed. Flow Zone staff volunteer twice per month. Volunteer involvement comes from a connection to the Flow Zone community, a sense of satisfaction at being able to give back, and for some, a desire to encourage lives by acquiring experience in a Performing Arts atmosphere.
 Flow Zone benefits from the contributions of volunteers in every area: the Sound booth, the Open-Mic sign up booth, the planning and operation of a wide variety of programs and special events, Greeters, and administration.
Please complete the Volunteer Application Form to explain more about you and what you bring to Flow Zone.
Thank you for considering Flow Zone!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Flow Zone's Summer Schedule 2011

Flow Zone is excited to kick off the summer! We understand that during the summer, families travel, students leave College to head home, and Colleges/Universities slow down.  We have good news for those of you who will be in Tulsa this summer…. Flow Zone will still continue!

Last summer, (the summer of 2010) Flow Zone’s Founder Kazi Owens along with his wife Vasey and a team of young ministers travelled the United States on the 2010 Culture Shock Missions Tour.  Because of last summers activities Flow Zone took a long summer break.  During that break, Flow Zone staff members continued to receive emails, text messages, and phone calls from people who wondered when Flow Zone was going to start up again. 

Flow Zone will continue to provide the Open Mic venue for the summer of 2011, however, we will have a small change in our schedule to accommodate summer Holidays and the back to school season.  Please see our summer 2011 dates below for more information.  Please stay connected! Find out what’s happening at Flow Zone by logging on to our website: myflowzone.com, by liking us on Face book, and my following us on Twitter @myflowzone.

Summer 2011 Dates

Friday, July 1st- FLOW ZONE CANCELLED! (Holiday)

Friday, July 15th- Flow Zone Open Mic 9pm

Friday, August 5th- FLOW ZONE CANCELLED!

Friday, August 19th- Flow Zone Open Mic 9pm
Friday, September 2nd-  FLOW ZONE CANCELLED!

Friday, September 16th-  Flow Zone Open Mic 9pm

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meet The Founders of Flow Zone

Host Na-Kazi Owens is from Houma, Louisiana by way of Los Angeles, California. Founder of Flow Zone, Na-Kazi is a seasoned MC, motivational speaker, poet, and event planner.

With 6 year experience in young adult/adult ministry, he is excited for what God has in store for him and his wife. Na-Kazi graduated from the pastors group of Rhema Bible Training Center in May of 2010. With his wife Gervase by his side Na-Kazi will continue to follow God’s leading in launching the 2 L.I.V.E. Messenger and 2 L.I.V.E. TV and leading Flow Zone.

Gervase Owens is from Grand Rapids, Michigan by way of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Founder of Valeur Step Ministry, Gervase is a world renowned minister. She has over 7 years of ministry experience, working with youth and young adults. Gervase is a 2006 graduate of Oral Roberts University, and 2008 graduate of Cornerstone University.                                  

Monday, April 4, 2011

Does Jesus Ever Change?

 To “heal” means to make or become healthy, sound, or whole; to cure. The enemy has raised a major attack against believers in the area of sickness.  It makes me mad, because I know the Word of God if ALIVE and full of POWER. God carefully watches over his Word to perform it.  Hebrews 13:8 says: “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.”

When I was a little girl, and my Mom gathered my siblings and I together for Bible Study she would have us recite memory verses. She challenged us at a young age to memorize scriptural references and verses. I can remember my Mom saying: “Hebrews 13:8 says what?” and we would reply by quoting the entire verse. And to put the icing on the cake, she would chime in and say: “Does Jesus ever change?” and we would say: “NO!”
I want to challenge you with the same question: Does Jesus ever change? God has given us the ability to have POWER. That power is activated when we speak the Word of God over our situation. However, speaking the Word if not enough! There is another part to activating the POWER of God and that is believing what we are saying.

Our authority is transferred by the words that we say out of our mouth. Be bold! Don’t allow the enemy to steal your health! God wants you to be healthy, sound and whole!
It says in the Bible, in Isaiah 53: 5 (The Message) “But the fact is, it was our pains he carried— our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us. We thought he brought it on himself, that God was punishing him for his own failures.
But it was our sins that did that to him, that ripped and tore and crushed him—our sins!
He took the punishment, and that made us whole. Through his bruises we get
The word “healed” jumps out to me because the suffix “ed” is used to form the past tense of a verb. This means Jesus already took care of the punishment of not being healthy, sound, or whole so that through his bruises you (we) would already be healed!  Speak the Word so that you can walk in divine health! You are healed in Jesus Name!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Flow Zone Now Incorporated

A trip to a Café while eating ice cream changed his life forever …       5 years ago, Na-Kazi Owens walked into Clare’s Café in Houma, Louisiana.  He shared his vision to start a Christian Open Mic community outreach event. Owner Clare Reding agreed and simply asked him: “When do you want to start?,” and the rest was history!
During the past 5 years, Flow Zone, Inc. has reached out to thousands of youth and young adults in Houma, Louisiana and Tulsa, Oklahoma.  Flow Zone continues to provide students with hope for a better future!  The organization was started by Na-Kaiz Owens who wanted to make a difference in his community (Houma, Lousiana) with the support of a close friend   J.J. 

In January 2011 Flow Zone began taking steps toward becoming a registered 501 (c) 3 non profit organization. Flow Zone is now Incorporated in the state of Oklahoma!  Na-Kazi’s vision is to educate communities to break the cycle of violence, sexually transmitted diseases, suicide, and poverty.  His goal is to help youth and young adults to realize their dreams and future.

One inspired youth or young adult can overcome poverty.  Once inspired, the impact spreads to their family and then to a community as lessons are passed down from generation to generation.

If you are interested in partnering with Flow Zone, Inc. as we move into our office in July 2011 you can get connected. We are in need of operational items for our office and funding as we move forward to plan the best Flow Zone year yet! Contact us at: 918-917-9009 or  email us at: myflowzone@gmail.com for more information.