Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thank You Home Depot!

On Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Home Depot on Delaware Ave in Tulsa made a contribution of  two $25.00 dollar gift cards to Home Depot. We are very thankful! On behalf of the Flow Zone Community Outreach Center, I want to extend a heart-felt thank you to the Home Depot on Delaware Ave in Tulsa.  
Your contribution  will help us purchase more materials to help with our facility repair project.
It is the vision of the Flow Zone Arts & Outreach Center to provide the community with a comfortable environment.  Part of that comfort includes painting our new facility. Your generous contribution helps to make our vision a reality by helping to offset the cost of repairing and renovating our Outreach center environment.

 As we continue to grow as an Outreach Center, please know that partnerships with our sponsors are vital to our success.  You are truly appreciated.  Are you interested in becoming a sponsor to assist the Flow Zone Arts &Outreach Center?   Please email us at: gowens@myflowzone.com all gifts are tax deductible through the Tulsa Community Foundation, for the benefit of the “Flow Zone Fund.” Thank you! 

Lowes West Tulsa Making A Difference

On Monday, April 23, 2012 Lowes in West Tulsa made a contribution of 5 gallons of paint. We are excited! On behalf of the Flow Zone Community Outreach Center, I want to extend a heart-felt thank you to the Lowes West Tulsa store. 

Lowes West Tulsa Manager Seth
It is the vision of the Flow Zone Arts & Outreach Center to provide the community with a comfortable environment.  Part of that comfort includes painting our new facility. Your generous contribution helps to make our vision a reality by helping to offset the cost of repairing and renovating our Outreach center environment.

As we continue to grow as an Outreach Center, please know that partnerships with our sponsors are vital to our success.  You are truly appreciated.  

If your organization is interested in becoming a sponsor to assist the Flow Zone Arts & Outreach Center with preparing for our anticipated opening July 2012 please email us at: gowens@myflowzone.com all gifts are tax deductible through the Tulsa Community Foundation, for the benefit of the “Flow Zone Fund.” Thank you!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Flow Zone Community Outreach Center Coming Soon!

 Flow Zone Arts & Outreach Center
Will provide  summer day camps, after-school activities, tutoring, workshops, emergency food assistance, and college preparation programs that enhance job readiness and prepare youth for life after high school.
Summer day camps- Summer day camps for children and youth in the community. 3 one week sessions will include breakfast, lunch, arts & crafts, and various activities including special guests!
 After-School Tutoring- After school tutoring will be directed by a certified experienced teacher and trained volunteers. The focus of the tutoring program is to limit regression in math and reading skills during the school year and assist with homework.
After-School activities- School aged youth will participate in educational games, as they learn valuable social skills during the school year.
Summer Tutoring- Summer tutoring will be directed by a certified experienced teacher and trained volunteers. The focus of the tutoring program is to limit regression in math and reading skills over summer months.
Workshops-Youth and Adults will be provided with quality workshops once a month that will teach them valuable skills necessary to lead productive lives. Community leaders, business professionals, and entrepreneurs who are experienced will share their expertise.  
 Performing Arts Workshops
  Theater Workshop
Adults and children work together on a specific production. The cast participants make their own stage sets and costumes as well as focus on voice, self-confidence, working collaboratively, and poise in front of an audience. Two or three final, public performances will be scheduled along with a cast party and refreshments.
Let’s Dance
Year round evening and Saturday classes focusing on ballet, modern, jazz and lyrical. Recitals provide students, family and friends with a spectacular experience.
Student Showcase Exhibition
A gallery exhibition featuring artwork created by local Elementary, Middle, and High school students. This free, annual program includes a reception and awards presentation.
 Emergency food assistance- Runs every Saturday from 12noon-2pm. Intake procedures:  Must provide one of the following: driver’s license, birth certificate, insurance card, passport, or Social Security card.
Eligibility requirements:  Families can receive assistance once per month.  Families must fill out a form upon receiving food assistance.
Kids Flow- Runs every 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month (beginning in August 2012) from 12noon-2pm. Two hour classes focus on a number of educational and artistic projects—painting, drawing, sculpture, printmaking, creative crafts are a few of the areas covered.  Kids ages 7-13 are invited to participate (kids under the age of 7 must be accompanied by an adult).
College preparation program- The name of our college preparation program is: The Intersection (where needs and opportunities meet). During the school year, the program serves young adults ages 16-25 from low-income families, and young adults from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree. The goal of The Intersection is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of post secondary education.The Intersection activities include: going on college visits, participating in service projects, ACT and SAT preparation, and more.
Target Opening
Our targeted grand opening is July 2012! The positive and supportive atmosphere of The Flow Zone Arts and Outreach Center is a much needed alternative to the violence, drugs, truancy and poverty, which have become neighborhood trademarks in parts of Tulsa county.
The Flow Zone Arts and Outreach Center is volunteer-driven and welcomes anyone that wants to use his or her skills and talents to make a difference. You can give a few hours or an entire day volunteering in one of our programs that benefit the community we serve. We are always in need of people that want to be the change they want to see in the world.
To volunteer please call 918-928-7527 or email: gowens@myflowzone.com
For more information on volunteer opportunities click the Volunteer Match image!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Oklahoma Center For Non Profits

Flow Zone, Inc. is now a member of The Oklahoma Center For Non Profits. As a member of a powerful non profit association, Flow Zone, Inc. has direct access to quality training and consulting to become a more effective non profit organization. The Oklahoma Center For Non Profits is a nonprofit organization equipping and strengthening the Oklahoma nonprofit sector through training, consulting, advocacy, membership, networking and awards.

What is membership?
Joining the Center as a member means that a non profit organization is part of a powerful nonprofit state association! Oklahoma nonprofits registered with the Secretary of State are eligible to join as an organization, and individuals, corporations and future nonprofits are eligible to join as associate members.

Why membership?
Becoming a member of the Oklahoma Center for Nonprofits provides an array of benefits for Oklahoman organizations and individuals. The primary goal for membership is to unify and strengthen the Oklahoma nonprofit sector, giving us one clear voice to the legislature and to the public. Membership also gives you numerous opportunities to meet other nonprofit professionals and network. Lastly, there are discounts on an array of products and services, including Dell computers, Office Depot supplies and grant-finding products. 

Special Thank You

Flow Zone, Inc. would like to give a special thank you to the Chapman Foundations Management, LLC who provided Flow Zone, Inc. with a scholarship to become a member of The Oklahoma Center For Non Profits. It is because of this generous donor, that Flow Zone, Inc. is privileged to training on non profit operations that will build sustainability.   

Friday, April 6, 2012


Tulsa Community Foundation Sponsors Flow Zone, Inc.

Flow Zone, Inc. (herein referred to as Flow Zone) is now administratively sponsored by the Tulsa Community Foundation (herein referred to as TCF). TCF’s decision to sponsor Flow Zone, as a newly emerging non-profit is helping to positively impact the Tulsa community.

Building a Dream 
 Flow Zone needed help in succeeding, with becoming structured as a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. The sponsorship offered by TCF allows the dreams of Flow Zone’s founder to thrive.

What is TCF’s role?
For 2012, we are using TCF to handle donations for tax purposes. TCF is our official administrative sponsor, allowing Flow Zone to work within their 501(c)3 status.  TCF has set up a “Flow Zone Fund” and will hold your gift and other donations so that you can receive a tax receipt for donating to a non-profit organization.

Changing Lives 
With the support of TCF, Flow Zone now has the tools necessary to
solicit funding to:
1.) File for 501(c)3 tax exempt determination
2.) Secure professional office space
3.) Hire personnel
4.) Raise funding for future programs

Flow Zone Wish List 2012

Donations for Flow Zone, Inc.

Flow Zone, Inc. is collecting supplies for our new office! We will be moving in July of 2012.                                                                                                                           Flow Zone, Inc.'s new office will provide a formal place for volunteers to work to plan events                                                                                                                            for the community. Join the effort! Below are suggestion donations.                                                                                                                                                                           If you would like to donate any of these items call us today, and                                                                                                                                                                               we can assist you with drop-off or pick-up of your gift! (918) 928-7527.
Office Furniture: (By July 2012)   
1. Desks (3)
2. Computer Chairs (3)
3. (2) Storage File Cabinets (with key) 
4. Supply Cabinet
5. Bulletin Board
6. Mini-Refrigerator w/ Microwave
7. 4 “waiting area”
8. 1 “waiting area” magazine table
9. Marker board w/Easel
10. (10) Plastic Shoe storage bins (w/ tops)
12. (3) #2956 Rubbermaid Trash cans

Office Supplies: (By July 2012)
1. Computers (3)  (preferably 3 years old or newer )
2.Telephones (4)
3. Copy Machine (1)
4. Paper Shredder (1)
5. Mail Boxes (5)
6. Paper Cutter Board
7. (2) Electric Hole punchers
8. (4) Surge protectors
Ongoing Supplies:
The following supplies are needed year round.
Printing Copy Paper (white and colored)
Ink Pens/ Pencils
Sticky Notes
White-Out Tape
Paper Clips
File Folders
U.S. Postage 1st class stamps
Ready-to-use cleaning wipes
Disinfectant spray
