Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Workforce Oklahoma Youth Program Partners!

Flow Zone, Inc. is proud to announce our newest partnership with Workforce Oklahoma Youth program. The Youth Focused Education, Training and Employment (TODAY) Program offers NO COST services designed to help 14-21 year olds get a job and/or complete their education or training. 
TODAY offers qualifying youth: individualized assessment, educational and career planning, leadership development, assistance returning to classes or obtaining a GED, job readiness training, occupational skills training, academic resources, tutoring and study skills training, supportive services, work experience activities, guidance counseling, incentives for program completion, and adult mentoring.
The new partnership between Flow Zone, Inc. and Workforce Oklahoma Youth involves work experience activities.  Millennials (young adults) will be placed at Flow Zone, Inc.’s Arts & Outreach Center to run the day to day operations.  Millennials from the TODAY program will be paid by the federal government to work full time for Flow Zone Arts & Outreach Center. 
This partnership came just in time for Flow Zone, Inc.’s preparation for launching the Arts & Outreach Center in July of 2012.  We are thankful for this partnership, and look forward to working with the Millennials from Workforce Oklahoma Youth (TODAY) Program.
Do you know a youth between the ages of 14-21 years old who may be interested in the TODAY program? Contact the TODAY career coach at Workforce Oklahoma 14002 E. 21st Place, Suite 1030, Tulsa, OK 74134 (918)796-1317.

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